Back to courses Alanna Moore’s Films Documentary : Geomancy, Vibrational Agriculture, Sacred Place

Earth Care, Earth Repair

Scientists have been painting gloom and doom scenarios for the Australian environment for too long. While keeping busy writing up reports about widespread land degradation, there are ordinary people out in the back blocks coming up with creative, intuitive, innovative and practical solutions to the many environmental crises we face. These often unsung heroes of land care and land repair may be using unusual, paradigm-challenging methods and this, and the threat to the profits of the chemical companies, often means that we never get to hear about their environmental success stories. Get to meet some of these people and discover their contribution to Earth care. The film series is a call for all people to consider positive approaches to their environment, and to discover backyard solutions to global problems. Alanna Moore is a great believer in the power of positive focused thought and intuitive faculties put into action. Alanna Moore and Marilyn Sprague give some tree selection and planting tips in drought stricken Victoria, including Alanna’s dowsing and planting methods. Dave Kennett in the dry wheat belt of Western Australia then shows us some of his successful dowsing and planting techniques and projects. Internationally acclaimed originators of the permaculture design system, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren show us around their temperate climate gardens, spilling pearls of wisdom on the way. Ross Henderson in Tasmania demonstrates how to test for soil requirements with the dowsing rod and Alanna Moore explains about paramagnetic rock dust to one of her dowsing classes. Pia Lindgrew tells us about the explosive growth of her olive trees after biodynamic sprays and rock dusts were applied. Solutions to soil erosion and salinity are shown, with the excellent Keyline system of farm planning. We see two areas in Western Australia once subject to drylands salting that have been given a new lease of life, firstly with the WISALTS system of water control (which also relies on dowsing), then with the more esoteric methods as used by the Men of the Trees and the Natural Resonance Study Groups there.


This course includes:

  • 5 h 25 min
  • 1 Module
  • en-GB

price for the course

48,00 € Add to cart

This course consists of 7 video

Dowsing Greening - Crystal Farming 26 min
Eco Gardeners Down Under 26 min
Remineralising the Soil 24 min
Making Power Towers 31 min
Grassroots Solution to Soil Salinity + Growing and Gauging Sustainability 1 h e 4 min
Agnihotra & Homa Farming 33 min
Radionic Farming & Landcare in Australasia 42 min